Atherton Central Methodist Church are looking forward to offering some interesting events for 2023.
The classes below are only a part of our Event planning for the new year and will bring additional social events separately.
Line Dancing Group
Wednesday 4th January, 1.30pm to 3.00pm
Cost £3.00, including light refreshments.
Tai Chi Class
Tuesday 10th January, 1.00pm
Strength and Balance Class
Thursday 19th January, 1.00pm
Monthly Coffee Mornings
Last Thursday of each month, including IT support from Wigan Council, board games etc.
We look forward to welcoming old and new friends.
Community Warm Space Lunches
We are limited to 50 people so please contact 07539852470 to book your place, the cost/donation is £4.00. If you know anyone who is alone who may appreciate attending please ensure you telephone the number above. Entertainment will be provided by Mike and Dianne together with a quiz.
Thursday 12 January, 11.30am for 12 noon until 2.30pm
Thursday 2nd February
Thursday 2nd March
Registered Charity No. 1142805