Westleigh Methodist Primary School aspires to be a Christian family where all can develop to their full potential. We aim to promote the value of self, others and the environment
A warm welcome to you from the pupils, staff and governors of Westleigh Methodist Primary School. I do hope that the information contained within our website will help to introduce you to the friendly and welcoming atmosphere of our school where the individual nature of every child is recognised and valued. We are committed to working together to ensure all children reach their potential. We are a Christian school with a strong, caring and inclusive ethos where every child really does matter!
We converted to academy status on 1st September 2013. As an academy, Westleigh Methodist benefits from greater freedom to innovate and raise standards, allowing us to personalise our curriculum and continue to meet individual needs as creatively as possible. We endeavour to support children in becoming confident and independent learners in a rapidly changing world.
We want children to be excited about coming to school and to love learning. We want them to be motivated, tuned in, and challenged. We want children to know that success is in each and every one of them and comes as a result of their own effort. Most of all, we want to give them the belief that they can improve and learn, and to be delighted and proud of their many achievements.
The best way of judging any school is to visit during a working day. Please arrange to visit us – You will always be welcomed and I am confident you will be impressed.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
For more information about our school, please visit https://www.westleighmethodist.wigan.sch.uk
Registered Charity No. 1142805