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Bedford Hall Methodist Primary School

bedford school

At Bedford Hall we cater for children aged from 2+ to 11 years.

We have excellent learning facilities, both indoor and outdoor, which promote learning, enjoyment and excellence from a very early age.
We pride ourselves on having a dedicated, nurturing teaching staff who are committed to providing all children with the very best educational outcomes.

They encourage the children to develop confidence and independence by ensuring positive attitudes and high standards of work and behaviour.
We strive for success through a bespoke curriculum which is designed to excite, motivate, challenge and is personalised to meet children's needs. We provide children with a range of unique, memorable learning experiences through regular trips, visitors and extra-curricular learning opportunities.

We actively strive to instill in our children a sense of individual worth and respect for others and we value our strong links with the chapel and wider community. We have the support and good will of our parents and invite you to play an active role within the school community. By working together in positive partnership, we can secure the best education, moral, physical, social and spiritual environment for your child.
We are very proud we achieved 'Excellent' in our SIAMs inspection in May 2019.

At Bedford Hall we see each child as an individual and nurture them to live out their true potential. We want all children to expand their horizons and believe in themselves and grow in confidence. Through day to day teaching, assemblies and our ethos we share and encourage children to follow our Christian Values and live out our school's vision.

Our aim is for all children to leave Bedford Hall with life skills which will serve them well for the future.
We look forward to getting to know you and your child as they start their learning journey at Bedford Hall Methodist. We aim for this to be a happy, successful and memorable experience.

Mrs Amy Burkes

For more information about our school, please visit http://www.bedfordhall.wigan.sch.uk

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Registered Charity No. 1142805

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King Street


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