10.30am Sunday morning
Tuesday Circle
Fortnightly Tuesday, 2.00pm
Ladies Choir Rehearsals
Thursday (when announced), 7.00pm
Coffee Morning
Monthly – 3rd Thursday of the month, 10.00am to 11.30am
Monday, 7.00pm
Wednesday, 7.00pm
Singing the Faith
Methodist Worship Book
Fixed screen and projector
Community hall and smaller meeting room available for hire.
Costs vary. Please contact Val and Geoff Pownall (01942 676538).
Car park located to the front of church (locked when school/church not in use).
Ray Davenport – contact details above
Weekly notices. Edited by Val and Geoff Pownall
The Link Magazine (quarterly). Edited by Val and Geoff Pownall
Registered Charity No. 1142805